Where To Study Based On Your Preference

By: Meghann Mullarkey

If you’re looking for silence:

The best spot for complete silence would be the third floor of Swem (our library). This floor is reserved for no talking, which makes it the best if you’re looking for complete silence. 

If you’re looking for quiet: 

The second floor of Swem and upper floors of Integrated Science Center (ISC) are great quiet study spots. Additionally, the Slice in the Sadler center can be a good spot for some quiet work. Also, after all classes are done for the day, most classrooms are open for use. 

If you’re looking for a group study spot:

Renting out a group study room in Swem is a great option for group studying. If you’re looking to study outside with your group, try the Sunken Garden or even the Merchant Square tables in Colonial Williamsburg (CW).

If you’re looking for a cafe atmosphere:

On campus, the ground floor of Sadler and in the cafe in Swem are the best cafe atmospheres. There’s also Illy cafe within Merchant Square which has indoor and outdoor seating. While a little further and not within walking distance, the Starbucks in Barnes and Nobles is also a great cafe study spot located in New Town. 

If you’re looking for a spot off campus: 

A quiet spot not too far from campus is the Williamsburg Regional Library. The quiet atmosphere and many tables with outlets makes it a perfect area for long study sessions. 

If you’re looking to study outside: 

The tables right outside and around Swem are wonderful spots to study between classes. Merchants Square, the Sunken Garden, and Sadler Terrace are also good for enjoying the outdoors.  

No matter what you’re looking for in a study spot, there’s bound to be a place that works for you! 

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