COLL Classes Explained

COLL classes were one of the things that confused me the most when entering William & Mary. Before registration, you take the College Studies course that gives you a background on academic expectations. During this course you are introduced to the concept of the university curriculum. Here are some of the main points that will help you better understand what exactly COLL classes are and why we take them:

COLL classes were created to allow you to branch out of your intended major and explore new topics that might interest you. COLL 100 and COLL 150 classes are taken in your first year at William and Mary. COLL 100 classes are designed to explore new concepts through creative presentation and COLL 150 classes consist of readings, writings, and group discussions. 

You are required to take three COLL 200 classes, with one in each knowledge domain; NQR, CSI, and ALV. During COLL 200 classes you explore the commonalities between academic domains and how they connect. 

After your second year, your COLL classes become a little more specific to your area(s) of interest(s). COLL 300 classes connect your major with global context. During your third year, you will have the opportunity to fulfill your COLL 300 requirement. You can complete this requirement on campus, study abroad, or take courses through the DC program. 

COLL 350 courses explore difference, equity, and justice. You’ll make connections between course material and contemporary life and social identities in America. 

COLL 400 courses are reserved for capstone projects. You will complete a project in your final semesters that incorporates knowledge from previous COLL courses and your major. To complete this requirement, you will attend seminars, complete honors projects, or participate in independent research. 

Here is a quick breakdown of the COL requirements:

COLL 100

COLL 150




COLL 300

COLL 350

COLL 400

This might seem overwhelming at the moment, but COLL requirements are spread out throughout your time at William & Mary. To find out which COLL courses are being offered the upcoming semester, input your intended COLL in the attribute area on the open course list. 

Where to find more information:

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