Unconventional Study Methods

We’re mid-way through the semester already and students are studying more now than ever. Caffeine fueled all nighters and flashcards often leave students bored and unmotivated to study. With these unconventional study methods, you’ll find new and inspiring ways to tackle your tasks. The goal of these techniques is to make studying a more enjoyable and engaging experience.

  1. Study Games 

Gamifying your study experience can help maintain focus. Try converting your flashcards into a game with rewards. Including that element of fun makes the overall process of studying more enjoyable

  1. Mind Mapping 

Changing your note-taking style from linear to diagram can help you visualize the connections between topics in your material, almost like a guide to your thought process!

  1. Podcast it

Creating a podcast of you explaining your material forces you to think of the most important information and how to relay it as if others were listening. This method combines the idea of teaching someone else with audio recordings which you can listen to when studying for an exam!

  1. Smells 

It’s been scientifically hypothesized that using the same smells when studying and taking an exam can help your memory. 

  1. Study roulette 

Not sure what to study? Try writing all of your tasks on a wheel and spinning for an element of unpredictability in your study session.

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