A Letter From A Graduating Senior – Emma Winikow 

Dear New Students, 

Welcome to the Tribe! I am so excited that you are coming to join our wonderful community here at William & Mary. It seems like just yesterday I received my acceptance letter, and now I am finishing up my studies. As a graduating senior, it is my due diligence to impart some wisdom onto you. The first thing that comes to mind is to acknowledge that school work is of the utmost importance, but never let it close you off. During my first few semesters, I found myself saying no to things because of my schoolwork. I was shutting myself off for the sake of my studies. You should not do that. Schoolwork will be done, you are so intelligent, I mean you got into William & Mary. Enjoy the little moments, stay up a tad too late and laugh with your friends. At the end of the day, all will be well. Suddenly you’ll blink and you’ll be a senior wishing you could go back and have more of those silly small moments that mean the world. The people here are so kind, so get to know them. Say hi to the person sitting next to you in class, they may become one of your best friends. It worked for me! I was in the hardest class I had taken thus far and it bonded me with my classmate who has now become a sister to me. Instead of that hard work causing me to be unsociable, it led me to someone I could not imagine spending my time here without. College will be hard, it will be an adjustment. But you are so strong and can do it. Pushing through is so worth it. There are so many joys that I have from my time here, and I cannot wait to see what wonderful things you will do and the amazing memories you will make. Roll Tribe!  



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