Dealing with homesickness in college

The time after move-in or breaks can be challenging to enter or re-enter the busy schedules and demands of college. For some it might be a needed refresh from spending time at home, but for others it can lead to homesickness. Here are three ways to help minimize feelings of homesickness and isolation: 

  • Get involved on campus 

The best thing to do to overcome homesickness is getting involved. Push yourself to meet new people, make new friends, and try new things! Clubs are a great way to participate in things you enjoy while also gaining new experiences. 

  • Decorate your room with things from home 

Having things in your space to remind you of home that can make you feel more comfortable in your new environment. 

  • Call friends and family from home 

Occasionally check in with your loved ones. Remember that those from home are just a call away!

In most cases after the first couple days to weeks, feelings of homesickness tend to go away. Surrounding yourself with new friends while also intermittently catching up with loved ones is a great way to overcome homesickness. 

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