Why You Should Attend Office Hours 

  • What are office hours

Office hours are an opportunity to discuss course content, academic goals, research opportunities, and more. Each professor states or lists their office hours in the course syllabus and are usually a couple hours per week. 

  • How to prepare

Make sure you are prepared before attending by identifying specific questions and/or problems ahead of time. Avoid waiting until exam season to attend as it can become very busy and stressful for both the professor and you.  

  • When should you attend office hours?

There are a variety of reasons to attend office hours. If you’re struggling with the material, it might be helpful to ask your professor or TA for help understanding. If you’re in need of accommodations, talking to your professor during office hours is a good way to make sure they’re aware of your situation. Research opportunities can become available through attending office hours. If you’re looking for a research project, office hours can be the first step in building a connection with your professor. Similarly, professors can offer professional advice on your field of study or prospective career. With this being said, it’s best to attend office hours when you are in need of clarifications or genuine questions. 

  • Why you should attend 

Office hours can be valuable time to make connections with your professors and gain a better understanding of the material you’re learning in class. You can use this time to ask questions about what you’re learning in class, get ideas on how you should study the material, or review past assessments, which will all help create a professional relationship between you and your professor. Even if you’re just asking for help on a homework question, professors will appreciate you putting in the effort to succeed in class. 

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