Yule Log Celebration 

One of William & Mary’s most beloved traditions is the Yule Log Celebration. The Yule Log Celebration is a long lived tradition for expressing gratitude for the past and present while also welcoming new beginnings going into the new year. It also stands as a way to bring the William & Mary community together to celebrate the joy of the season. 

Occurring annually around the end of the fall semester, this celebration in the Wren Courtyard spreads holiday cheer with students, staff, faculty, and alumni across the world. With festive music, singing, poems, and stories, the William & Mary community celebrates the end of a semester and reflects upon the themes of peace, joy, and gratitude. The Yule Log is carried through the crowd into the Wren Building to be lit for a fire. Students have the opportunity to toss sprigs of holly into the Great Hall fireplace for good luck as well as decorate the trees around the Wren Building with messages of gratitude on paper doves to share appreciation for the past and present. After, cider and cookies are shared among participants. 

Those unable to attend in person have the opportunity to attend the virtual celebration or an alumni gathering. Regional Yule Log Celebrations can be found here: https://wmalumni.com/events/regional-yulelog-celebrations/

Recipes from the celebration, a digital Great Hall fireplace, and Yule Log gifs are available as well. 

This year’s Yule Log Celebration will take place Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 5:30 p.m ET.

Learn more about it here! https://www.wm.edu/sites/yulelog/

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