All about PATH Registration 

In this upcoming registration cycle William & Mary is implementing a new platform for course registration called PATH! This new platform allows students to build a cart with their preferred classes outside of a timed environment and create an optimal schedule for all students. 

Instead of building a schedule during an alloted timeslot, students can now add courses to a cart with registration priorities and alternatives. They will create a primary cart with the courses of first priority and an alternative cart with backups if not able to register for the first priority classes. PATH then registers students to classes based on the priorities set by students and social class. There will still be tiered enrollment maximums. Then, the add/drop period proceeds after registration has ended. 

Fall 2024 carts open on March 27th and close on April 2nd. Schedules will be released on April 15th and the add drop period begins on April 18th. 

More information on 2024 course registration:

PATH Registration:

How to Study When Tired 

As we’re nearing the end of the semester and work begins to accumulate, stress and procrastination can take over our time. Taking naps and energy drinks might seem like a good solution, but can eventually lead to lots of cramming, stress, and fatigue. Consider trying these strategies to help you effectively study when tired. 

  1. Staying hydrated and nourished

Your body will not be able to focus if it doesn’t have fuel! Make sure you’re drinking enough water and fueling yourself with food to help boost your energy levels.

  1. Take small breaks

It can be easy to get overwhelmed when you’re tired, so taking small breaks during your study sessions can help alleviate any extra stress. 

  1. Change your study area

Let’s face it, the odds of falling asleep after deciding to study on your bed is pretty high. Try switching up your study area whether it be outside for some fresh air or the library to be surrounded by others who are trying to get work done. 

  1. Exercise 

Exercising before you study can help boost your mood and energy levels! It can also help increase focus and you’ll get some movement in!

  1. Prioritize your tasks

Find what is most important to complete and do it first! Ranking your tasks by priority will help you figure out what needs to be done and what you might be able to do later if you don’t get to it that day. 

Tips for Managing Your Time in College

Working two jobs and being a full time student requires a lot of efficient time management. Here are some ways that I approach time management.

  1. Write EVERYTHING out – At the beginning of each week I like to write every single assignment that will be due, what I’m learning in each lecture, any events or important dates that are coming up in the week. I also make a list of what the following week will look like just to have an idea of things that might need to be started this week
  2. Daily priorities – making sure you’re aware of the different importance of tasks can be especially helpful when prioritizing what to get done first. Usually the things that are due earlier are of higher priority.
  3. Prepping the night before – I lay out my outfits, pack lunches, plan out my daily schedule the night before so I don’t have to worry about it the next morning!
  4. Use a visual, digital calendar – I use google calendar for scheduling all aspects of my life. I can easily see what overlaps and time that I can use for studying, what events I have, and add tasks to each day.

My organic chemistry professor, Professor Speight, likes to say: instead of balancing our time, we should create harmony within it. I hope these tips help you find harmony in your day!

The many things I’ve learned from William & Mary, shorted into my top ten

By: Ellie McMahon

  1. Go all in. As a junior, my first (almost) three years have flown by and I’m not really sure how. What I do know is that this time is too short not to take advantage of all the amazing things W&M has to offer!
  2. Prioritize your wellness. In addition to cool FitWell classes, the Rec also has a sauna that works wonders for stress.
  3. Dining hall condiments will be your best friend. Trust me on this, especially if you want food with flavor
  4. The Sunken Garden is best enjoyed with a picnic blanket, hat, and a group of friends. Maybe even a football and sunscreen if you’re feeling fancy.
  5. Never eat a meal alone. This I learned from a W&M alum during an interview; he said that if he could redo anything about his time here, it would be to always eat with new friends.
  6. Don’t be afraid. Of the hard classes, the scary professor, the making new friends. We’ve all been there and made it out the other side.
  7. Comparison really is the thief of joy; it’s important to run your own race.
  8. Don’t forget to call your parents/siblings/loved ones. They’re the ones who helped to get you here!
  9. Embrace your inner TWAMP* because life is more fun that way!
  10. Learn to bleed green and gold, whatever that means for you. William & Mary was never going to be just a four year thing; we’re all in the Tribe for life.

* Typical William & Mary Student

Pros and Cons of Study Abroad 

While study abroad can be an exciting experience, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons when deciding to commit to this big decision.


  • Enhance language skills: Studying abroad provides a unique opportunity to enhance language skills, especially if you are unfamiliar with the local language or have only a basic understanding.
  • Making new friends: Relocating to a new location opens the door to a broader social circle, offering numerous chances to forge meaningful connections and friendships.
  • Exploration of New Opportunities: Being in a different country may expose you to unexpected opportunities in various aspects of life
  • Building Independence: The distance from home necessitates a level of self-reliance, which can help you develop independence and life skills


  • Financial Costs: The considerable expense associated with moving abroad, even for a short duration, can be a significant drawback
  • Language Barriers: Navigating daily life in a country with an unfamiliar language can be challenging and stressful, contributing to difficulties in effective communication.
  • Homesickness: One of the most common challenges of studying abroad is homesickness, as being far from friends and family can lead to a sense of longing and emotional strain.
  • Culture Shock: While immersing yourself in a new culture is enriching, it may also result in culture shock, requiring adjustment to different customs, traditions, and ways of life.

A Brief Overview of Housing 

General housing selection begins today! Whether you are a returning student, incoming freshman, or prospective student, check out this blog post for a brief overview of housing. 

All first and second year students are required to live on campus to help build friendships during the beginning of their college experience. The freshman housing includes the Botetourt Complex, Bryan Complex, Dupont Hall, Green & Gold Village, Hunt Hall, Lemon Hall, Monroe Hall, Randolph Complex, Reves Hall and Willis Hall. Most of these residence halls are double rooms with either hall or shared bathrooms and are located close to either dining hall. Each residence hall will include laundry machines, a shared kitchen, and lounges for all residents to share. For my first year I was in Nicholson Hall (part of Botetourt Complex!). Being in a hall style residence hall helped me meet lots of new people which was especially helpful as a spring transfer student. 

For returning students, more housing options are available. Barrett Hall, Bryan Complex, Chandler Hall, Hardy Hall, Jefferson Hall, Landrum Hall, Old Dominion Hall, and Randolph Complex are hall style. One Tribe Place and Richmond Hall are suite style with private/shared bathrooms. Tribe Square, and Ludwell Apartments are apartment style which include in-unit kitchens, living area, private bathrooms, and separate bedrooms. Greek Life Housing is also available to those in sororities and fraternities. 

For upperclassmen, it can sometimes be challenging to find on-campus housing due to limited campus spaces. However, there’s currently construction happening across campus to increase the number of beds available to students that will continue for the next couple of years. Those who are unable to acquire on-campus housing can rent out houses or apartments near William & Mary. Off-campus housing resource fairs also occur each year to help students find nearby apartments. 

Learn more about first year housing here:

Learn more about upperclassmen housing here:

The Institute for Integrative Conservation 

This past month I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about the Institute for Integrative Conservation through my Conservation Biology class! If you’re looking for more research opportunities, try checking out the Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC). The Institute for Integrative Conservation here at William & Mary connects students with research opportunities that solve real world conservation problems!  They have three main ways to get involved: a GIS semester project, semester project, and year long project. Projects are highly interdisciplinary making it a good fit for any major. 

You don’t need to be a conservation major to get involved. Many projects include aspects of chemistry, biology, and business. Doing research projects within the IIC can be a good way to learn more about human interaction with the environment and how to prevent and find solutions to both community and global scale conservation issues.

Students are paired with partners to create, develop, and carry out research projects in order to implement solutions. 

If conservation is something you are passionate about or interested in learning more about, check out the IIC for both research and other opportunities. 

Check here for more information:

Process of Declaring a Major

Congratulations! Have you reached the credit limit or decided what major you’d like to pursue? Here’s a brief guide to declaring your major:

1. Decide your area of study

Do you want to declare a major, double major, major + minor? In what area would you like to study? You probably already have an idea of what you want to major in, but if still unsure try using degree works to see the specific requirements for majors you’re interested in. Degreeworks will tell you what classes you will need to take for your intended major/minor. This will be especially helpful later on for making a rough schedule of when you’ll take each required course. Also note that some majors have other requirements (ex. Business majors must apply to the Mason School of Business)

More info on how to choose a major:

2. Complete the Declaration of Major Form
This form will be what you submit to the University Registrar for official approval and declaration. On the form there’s a section to list required courses for your intended major and list when you will complete them / when you completed them. (This is where degree works comes in handy!) You must meet with your major advisor before submitting this form, but it’s a good idea to fill it out before meeting with them to fully understand the requirements you’ll need to complete.

3. Find and meet with your major advisor

Your major advisor must be in the academic discipline you intend to major in. Try making a list of professors you’ve taken a class with and/or have a good relationship with. For instance, my major advisor is also the professor I’m doing research with! After asking and settling on a major advisor, meet with them to discuss your future plans and complete the declaration of major form.

More info on major advisors: More information on declaring your major:

Yule Log Celebration 

One of William & Mary’s most beloved traditions is the Yule Log Celebration. The Yule Log Celebration is a long lived tradition for expressing gratitude for the past and present while also welcoming new beginnings going into the new year. It also stands as a way to bring the William & Mary community together to celebrate the joy of the season. 

Occurring annually around the end of the fall semester, this celebration in the Wren Courtyard spreads holiday cheer with students, staff, faculty, and alumni across the world. With festive music, singing, poems, and stories, the William & Mary community celebrates the end of a semester and reflects upon the themes of peace, joy, and gratitude. The Yule Log is carried through the crowd into the Wren Building to be lit for a fire. Students have the opportunity to toss sprigs of holly into the Great Hall fireplace for good luck as well as decorate the trees around the Wren Building with messages of gratitude on paper doves to share appreciation for the past and present. After, cider and cookies are shared among participants. 

Those unable to attend in person have the opportunity to attend the virtual celebration or an alumni gathering. Regional Yule Log Celebrations can be found here:

Recipes from the celebration, a digital Great Hall fireplace, and Yule Log gifs are available as well. 

This year’s Yule Log Celebration will take place Saturday, December 16, 2023 at 5:30 p.m ET.

Learn more about it here!

The Ultimate College Bucket List for Your First Semester

Welcome to the tribe spring transfers! As you begin your journey at William & Mary, consider adding these to your college bucket list. I’ve compiled a list of academic and social ideas to create the ultimate bucket list for your first semester! 

  1. Join a club or organization of something you’re interested in
  2. Explore all floors of Swem
  3. Attend a lecture or workshop outside of your major
  4. Pet a dog at the Williamsburg Farmers Market 
  5. Host a movie or game night to meet new people 
  6. Attend a formal dance or event
  7. Volunteer for a local charity or community event
  8. Start a study group with students in your class 
  9. Go kayaking on Lake Matoaka 
  10. Find your favorite pancake house 
  11. Attend an AMP Event 
  12. Write a letter to your future self to open on graduation day 
  13. Join an intramural or club sports team
  14. Attend a Career Center networking event 
  15. Participate in a research project 
  16. Take a class outside of your comfort zone 
  17. Have a picnic on the Sunken Garden 
  18. Try a fitness or wellness class 
  19. Create a photo diary of your first semester
  20. Connect with other transfer students!